Days of Summer #7


I about cried when I saw the fog roll back in this week- with relief. Back to mornings in the garden without fainting dead away from heat exhaustion by 9:00 a.m. I am so not meant for hot weather. So, that’s where I’ve been the last few mornings reveling in the cool sweet weather, weeding, pruning, cleaning out the chicken coop, etc, etc, etc. Sigh. It’s been lovely. Along the way I harvested a whole mess of herbs to dry; Parsley, Basil and Oregano all made their way into the food dehydrator.  I Picked some flowers for the inside of the house too. I usually have a bucket handy while I prune, as there is almost always something interesting I come across for an arrangement. And then, there was another humming bird photo shoot. Cannot.Help.Myself. I have now named one and and have concerns about a suspicious growth on his neck. He and I will be chatting more about this later. Today didn’t feel right-we’d had such a nice morning together.

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Today the quilting dynamos  (Jennifer and I, I feel like  a”duh” here is warranted, but I shall refrain)  spent a fantastic afternoon on the back patio conceptualizing and planning out a quilt for her mother in law. Lots of new ground here, seriously, waaaaay new territory. Not exactly sure what the next steps are, but today included large drawings on the back of wrapping paper, some very suspect pattern making, and color coding-paint by number style.  We may not know hwat we’re doing, but we sure do look official. We’ll see how this all goes…more to come on that later. We meet again next week to wrestle with the next steps. I have a feeling there is going to be a lot of youtubing and googling in between now and then.
