
Days of Summer #5


P1070226I spent a healthy amount of time yesterday and today trying to take a photo of the hummingbird that has been draining our feeder literally dry every other day. And this morning, at approximately 10:15 a.m. I accomplished my mission. Done and  done. This feeder sat untouched for a month. I was starting to panic a little- the feeder was a gift and there was a lot of asking if I’d had any action . I kept having to say no, and  I felt very responsible for my alleged hummingbirds’ lackadaisical attitude (it didn’t help that my sad confession was met with shaking of the head and eyebrow raising…).   I moved that thing around, downloaded a bird call app, and scoured the yard in search of a hummingbird. Nary a feather. Nothing. And then, one day, they found it. Now this little dude and buddies have figured it out, its game on, And man, I just can’t keep that thing full. More stress. I picture them tip-tapping on the window impatiently with their long pointy beaks demanding sugary water.

Once I captured my hummingbird portrait, next on the docket today was Fourth of July preparations. Tomorrow on Independence Day I shall be canoeing done the Russian River in an armada of boats, resplendent with coolers, snacks and festive beverages and a gaggle of friends.

In honor of our voyage I made a watermelon-basil-ginger cooler, a tried and true party pleaser. Starting with a whole watermelon (small to medium in size), I cut away the rind and juiced the fruit in the food processor and then pressed the processed fruit through a strainer.


Next, I made a basil simple syrup. Part of the reason I chose  this recipe is due to our bumper crop of basil in our garden. And I want to be clear, this really is simple, nothing difficult. 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of water and a large handful of basil. Put the sugar, water and basil in a pot, bring to a simmer, take the pot of the heat, cover, and leave to steep for 30 minutes, then strain the basil leaves from the syrup.


I added about 1/3 a cup the syrup to the watermelon juice, you can add a little more or less depending on how sweet you like it. Then, finish the cooler off by adding 1 to 2 12 ounce bottles of ginger ale. I like a spicy one, like Maine Root or Reed’s. You can stop here, or if you are in the mood for a more “adult beverage”, vodka can be added. I usually do a 1 to 2 ratio; one vodka to two watermelon cooler. Pour into a festive glass and garnish with a squeeze of lime.

And all the while, while I worked in the kitchen, putting together tomorrow’s refreshments, this little man kept a steady and keen watch (except when he dozed off a few times, it was afternoon nap time after all).


You say tomato…. I say canning project!


So even if you’re not a gardener, chances are you can tell the difference between the taste of a tomato picked at the pinnacle of its ripeness, and and a store bought, out of season, sad little interpretation of a tomato. There really is no comparison. Pale, watery and mealy, the out of season tomato  seems unrelated to its flavorful, juicy and deep, deep red counterpart. Maybe you’ve even tried your hand at growing a few of these lovelies. Maybe you’re like me and plant six tomato plants every year. Maybe you’re more like my sister in law and planted THIRTY TWO plants this year. Really, she did. The mere thought of the bounty that is about to happen in her garden makes me both pleased and terrified. So this one’s for you, Emily, and the tomato explosion that is about to be unleashed upon you.

By the time August roles around I am chomping at the bit to harvest my tomatoes. Partially because I can’t wait to taste them, and partially because work is about to start up again I have canning to get to. Yep, canning. I said canning. Before you stop reading and roll your eyes in, “who does she think I am” disgust, hear me out. Canning is not just for pioneers stocking up to make it through winter without having to eat the horses, or overachieving home enthusiasts who worship the ground Martha Stewart walks on, NO! MakeRoom is here it encourage you to be a teensy bit brave, and reap the rewards of food preserving at home. And tomatoes are just the thing to start with. I cannot tell you how great it is in the dead of winter (if Northern California really has a dead of winter…) to pull out a jar of tomatoes from the cupboard and whip up a batch of tasty pasta sauce. I’ve been asked many times what’s in my sauce that makes it so flavorful. The answer is the tomatoes. All the other ingredients are the usual suspects. It really is the tomatoes. Tomatoes preserved at the height of their season.And you don’t have to grow your own to enjoy tomatoes at their best. This time of year they are everwhere. The supermarket, the Farmer’s market, next door at your neighbor’s house, you get the idea… So round up a flat, a bucket, a grocery bag, a whatever, of tomatoes and let’s get started!

Step One-Read all the directions.

And then read them again. Canning is not difficult, but it is multi-stepped and you want to be prepared.

Step Two-Round up your supplies.

You may consider asking around and seeing if you can borrow some supplies. There aren’t a lot of things you need, but the average kitchen isn’t usually stocked with a jar lifter or canning funnel. Now a days you can find canning kits at many grocery and hardware stores. Just last weekend I saw a complete set of canning tools (including the pot) at our local hardware store for a very reasonable $19.99.

Things you will need:

  • Canning pot (large wide pot with lid)
  • Another large pot
  • Canning rack that goes inside the pot so the jars aren’t sitting on the bottom of the pot. In a pinch you can line the bottom of the pot with canning rings, but they rust and this isn’t a good long term solution.
  • Jar lifter
  • Magnetic lid lifter (not essential but cheap and keeps one from burning their fingers)
  • Canning funnel
  • Jars. I like pint sized jars for tomatoes as this is what you need for many recipes. Don’t make the mistake of using all quart sized jars, this can lead to waste as many times you don’t need the whole jar and now you’ve opened it.
  • Lids and rings. These come with new jars and you can buy replacements if you are using old jars
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt
  • Paring knife
  • Cutting board
  • Ice
  • A few large bowls
  • Ladle
  • Candy thermometer
  • dishtowels
  • music
  • cocktail

Step Three-Just like painting, its all in the prep.

Turn on the music(I prefer a mix that is far from domesticity as is possible. It provides a nice contrast).  Mix up your favorite cocktail. Its time to get started. On the stove get a large pot of water boiling. You will use this water to slip your tomatoes out of their skins. While the water is heating, cut an “x” in the bottom of each of your tomatoes. This helps the skins come off MUCH faster. I only learned this a few years ago, it was life changing. Fill up your sink with cold water and ice cubes. This is where you will remove the skins from your tomatoes. And you don’t even have to buy them dinner first. HA! Okay, that was a bad joke. Back to business. You will need to work in batches as not all of the tomatoes will fit in the pot at one time. Once the water is boiling use your ladle to put your tomatoes in the pot. In a minute or so you will start to see the skins peeling away around the “x”. Using your ladle again, move them to the cold water bath in the sink. Repeat until all tomatoes are in the sink.

Another revelation. Peel the tomatoes in the sink. Let the peels fall to the bottom of the sink. Put naked tomatoes in a large bowl. Again, nobody told me this til I was many years in and had been fussing around with bowls of ice water. Peels were everywhere, stuck to me, the cabinets, the floor, everywhere. This is a waaaaay better method. When all tomatoes have been peeled, drain the water and discard the skins, compost them, feed them to the chickens, you get the idea.

Depending on the tomatoes you are using you may want to do one or both of the following:

1. For large, juicy tomatoes, squeeze out extra liquid over the sink before placing tomatoes in the bowl. Like you were squeezing out a sponge.

2. For really large tomatoes, ones too big to fit through the mouth of the jar, cut them in half or quarters

Tomatoes are now prepped and ready for canning! Easy so far, right? And yes, that is a bottle of gin in the background. I wasn’t kidding about the cocktail.

Step Four-Sterilization

There are a number of ways to go about this. And much depends on the volume of tomatoes you are canning. If you are Emily and you are elbow deep in tomatoes I say opt for the dishwasher option. If you are new to to tomato preservation and only have a produce bag or two, stove top sterilization is fine.

Dishwasher Sterilization

So clearly you have to have  dishwasher for this option. Wash you jars on the hottest cylce you’ve got with nothing else in the dishwasher. Leave them in there until you are ready to use them. Thas it.

Stove Top Sterilization

Put your canning rack in your canning pot. Put as many jars as will comfortable fit in the pot. Fill it with water. Bring the water to at least 180 degrees. Maintain this for 10 or so minutes. Your jars are now officially sterile.

Sterilizing lids

I put the lids (not to be confused with the rings) in a separate, small sauce pan. I used to throw them in with the jars, but its really hard to get them out later. Again, 180 degrees for ten minutes (ish). Important note: DO NOT REUSE LIDS. They are a one time only deal. Recycle them after use. Rings and jars are fine to reuse as long as they are free of rust and cracks.

Step Five- IT IS TIME TO CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Put out a nice clean dishtowel. Using your jar lifter, remove jars from dishwasher/canner, empty them of water and place on the dishtowel. For pint jars put a teaspoon of lemon juice and and a teaspoon of salt in each. Why? Because acid is important when canning. Acid is what keeps food from doing weird and terrible things once preserved. Tomatoes are already acidic, so it doesn’t take more than a teaspoon of lemon juice to set things right.

Now its time to pack, and I mean pack, your jars with tomatoes. Cram them in there.The first time I canned tomatoes I was waaaay to gentle, giving the tomatoes “their space” (remember, I live in Northern California). It was very disappointing when after processing them I had a good two inches of liquid at the bottom of each jar. The heat from processing is going to shrink the tomatoes, so be sure to really wedge them in good.Fill any extra space with the juice that has collected in the bottom of your bowl. Use your canning funnel to fill the jars, its far less messy then just putting the tomatoes in each jar.

Use a scraper/spatula/butter knife to push the tomatoes down and release any air bubbles. Leave a half inch of “head space” a the top  of each jar.

Its important that the tops of your jars, where the lid and ring will make contact, are clean. I dip a paper towel in hot water and clean the rim of each jar.

Now remove the lids, one by one, from their water bath with your magnetic lid lifter. Place lids on jars. Screw bands on jars to what is called, “finger tight”, meaning tight enough so it stops moving but not so tight that you’d need pliers to get it off.

Step six- Processing

So your jars are filled. Air bubble have been eliminated, lids and rings are on. Now its time for the magic. Using your jar lifter place each jar back in the canning pot. Once water has reached at least 180 degrees start the timer. 15 minutes for pints, 20 minutes for quarts.

Turn off the stove. Let your jars sit in the water for awhile. Maybe 30 minutes. Then lift each jar out and place it on a dishtowel to cool. In a few minutes you will hear the sound that all canners listen for, the sound of lids being suctioned down to the jar, or, “POP!” This is how you know that mission canning was successful; by the time your jars are cool all of the lids should be concave. Jars that have lids that you can press down and they pop back up should be discarded (I’ve never had this happen).

Now put your jars of tomatoes on your cupboard shelf and fee pleased with yourself. You did it!

I will warn you. Canning is addictive, the sight of sweet little jars lined up on your shelves, just waiting for winter, may cause you to feel the desire to can things other than tomatoes. Don’t worry. I have just the site for you. Check out to discover fabulous recipes for food preserving, and much, much more.

Parting thoughts: Make a little room for something new. Maybe canning is your something new, maybe its not. Either way, think about it. What new thing are you itching to try? Do it! And tell me all about it.




The Storage Wars-Part 2

Welcome to the second installment of “The Storage Wars”. Today its on to the kitchen to look at a few more principles of home organization. Let us begin!

Okay, a recap from my last post, my house is small, I have a lot of stuff, I like things to look pretty.  So the kitchen is no exception. I cook a fair amount and like most of us I am plagued by where to keep things like the rice cooker, dog food,  waffle maker, pasta maker, tuperware… You get it, the unattractive, utilitarian stuff.  AND I having these fantastic LOOKING, but highly fixed and somewhat impractical 1949, original, beautiful, yellow, cabinets. Don’t get me wrong, I love them, adore them actually. But they are completely devoid of nifty shelves that effortlessly pull out, built in spice racks or lid holders, and most certainly no lazy susans. So yet again limited closed storage. All of this leads to principle number two:

Principle #2: Function and form are equally as important.

Translation: I try really hard to make my kitchen stuff both attractive and useable. This way if I need to leave it out on the counter, or on an exposed shelf, I don’t mind so much. And much like my bedroom, this frees up precious real estate for the rice cooker and other boring and ugly kitchen items. So next time you are in the market for a new kitchen appliance or gadget, take minute to look around. Maybe a large bamboo  spoon in the utensil holder would look nicer than a plastic one. Throw caution to the wind and buy the lime green dutch oven instead of the plain ol black one. And please keep in mind, one must not break the bank to be stylish. Some of my favorite items I’ve found at discount stores like Marshall’s, Tuesday Morning or TJ Maxx. The local thrift store is another treasure trove of cool kitchen-y, and often kitschy, things.

I found this great yellow colander that PERFECTLY matches my cabinets at Marshall’s. My Robin’s egg blue KitchenAid is an excellent example of a happy marriage of form and function-its incredibly durable and functional, and its just so so so dang puuuuuurty.

Principle #3: Put items you use everyday in easy to reach places.

If I find myself having to root around in dark and awkward cupboards for the same item more than twice in a week, I take it as a sign that the something needs a new home. And by the same token, if I keep shifting the same cake pan I use three times a year to get to the Cuisinart I use once a week, get that cake pan outta there! Move it to a less desirable location.  The green boxes on top of my kitchen cupboards is where I keep infrequently used kitchen stuff (said cake pan is in current residence). In contrast, I probably use a colander everyday so storing it on this shelf makes it easy to get to,and its not sucking up storage space in one of my itty bitty cabinets. Ditto for the dog treats and coffee filters stored in the retro green canisters. Added bonus, these canisters belonged to my parents and everyday I look them I am fondly reminded of my childhood.

Yellow canisters  hold tea, matches/birthday candles, sugar and doggie kibble. Simple white bowl from IKEA hold veggies  that don’t require refrigeration. And both make for attractive and accessible displays on my counter.

Principle #4: Glassware = jewelry.

And what do we do with jewelry???? DISPLAY. DISPLAY. DISPLAY. Please refer to “The Storage Wars-Part 1” for a refresher on this concept. I collect (mostly) vintage green glass. Its sparkly, its pretty, it deserves a place of honor. Besides looking lovely, having a theme for glassware makes it easier to mix and match. I have at least 6 different kinds of green wine glasses. Because my glassware already has an eclectic feel, its not such a big deal if one gets broken, one less really doesn’t get noticed. The fact that I also probably picked  up the whole set at the thrift store for under $5.00 also makes breakages a little less painful. And glassware is so, so, so plentiful at the thrift store! Honestly, it begs the question why anyone would every buy it new.

And finally, take no prisoners and embrace principle number five:

Principle #5: Use it or lose it, sister. (or brother, but that doesn’t quite have the same ring now does it…)

If you neeeever use that set of dishes Aunt Erlinda gave you, get rid of them. If you’ve got cookie sheets so burnt and warped you never use them, get rid of them (or at least move them to the garage to use for craft projects, but I digress…). The point is, the kitchen often is a place where there are literally cupboards of stuff we never, or very rarely, use. Take a moment, look around, evaluate your situation. Even for someone like me who has no qualms donating two grocery bags a week to the goodwill, I can usually find a few things lurking in there that I don’t really need.

Thanks again for coming by, I hope this inspires you to make a little room in your life!