July 2013

Days of Summer # 11


Bryan and I took a few days off to toodle around Sonoma County towing a wee, adorable Tear Drop trailer we rented from Vacations in a Can. It was lovely. We are seasoned tent campers, so this was quite luxurious. I’ve been haranguing Bryan (and my dad- he keeps telling me no, but it doesn’t really sound like a hard and fast no…come on Frank) for some time about building or rehab-ing an old Teardrop, and I think this trip might have sold him. Its light enough to be towed by a car or pull around a campsite by hand, camp set up takes only minutes, no tent or air mattress to deal with, and a sweet little outdoor galley kitchen. Oh, and everyone stops you to tell you how cool your camper is. My favorite comment was a little girl walking by with her dad who said, ‘Dad, why did they bring their washing machine with them?”

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And lots of foggy mornings…..

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…And sunny afternoons.

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Days of Summer #10


Took a little break to do some mundane chores, some socializing, and maybe a day or two when the most I did was read. Its summer, these things happen. But I”m back people! THIS week I have been on FIRE. Its not surprising, I’ve hit the tipping point-less vacation ahead of me than what’s behind me. This always spawns a frenzy of productivity.

Last week I bought a dresser at a thrift store with wobbly legs and some pretty nasty yellow-brown  varnish. After a lot of sanding, some white wash, three coats of poly, and a little minor leg surgery, I had something not too shabby.



Today I made ravioli. From scratch. Yup. I know, sounds daunting, but using my sweet ravioli plaque, it was fairly easy. This was a gift from my lovely friend and co-worker, Angela, and I love it. I foresee much ravioli in my future.




Days of Summer #9 (aka Bamboo: Don’t Do It)


This weekend was slated for bamboo removal. A few years back our neighbors planted this stuff along their side of the fence line, a few years later they took it all out. But too late! It had already migrated to our side of the fence line. And their it remained, growing, growing, growing, until Saturday.

It should be noted that it really didn’t look like a lot of bamboo while it was standing vertically, maybe a 7 foot by 3 foot swathe, at most. How hard could it be to remove?  Once Bryan chainsawed (yes, you read that correctly, average garden shears or pruners were no match for this stuff) it down, it took up the whole of our backyard and most of our weekend. And then the real work began, stripping the stalks of all their little off shoots. I had decided that if I were going to be inadvertently growing bamboo, at least I could get some useful garden stakes out of this. And if that weren’t enough, pickaxing out all the roots. I was fortunate enough to escape pickax duty.

Raw material

Raw material


End product

End product








Days of Summer #8

This one was chosen given its proximity to my last name. Good choice, Bradley.


More mornings in the garden since my last post. One would think I own thirty acres or that my garden is insanely complicated to maintain given the numbers of hours I log in it. Our garden is nice and all (there’s actually a full blog devoted to it coming up, should I ever get it finished), but I wouldn’t call it spectacular. But time consuming, yes, I would call it that. Maybe I’m doing it wrong….

Yesterday afternoon neighbor-friend-brother’s college buddy (it appears I don’t have any  just plain neighbors), Sierra came over and we cut  mats for some artwork work she plans on hanging in her living room. My favorite part of the whole project was Sierra showing up wheeling her suitcase behind her. I heard the clunk-clunk of suitcase wheels on the driveway before I saw her, it was a tad confusing before I realized what was going on. Rather ingenious way to transport six 18″x 14″ frames Sierra Bradley, rather ingenious. Sierra also had the brilliant idea to use a book of illustrations she had for her artwork- sort of thinking maybe she’s the one that should have a blog with all her bright ideas…Especially as  I flubbed one of the mats and then ran out of mat-board. She was very gracious about it though and will be returning to finish the project. But the one’s we did finish I think came out rather nicely.

This one was chosen given its proximity to my last name. Good choice, Bradley.

This one was chosen given its proximity to my last name. Good choice, Bradley.


Days of Summer #7


I about cried when I saw the fog roll back in this week- with relief. Back to mornings in the garden without fainting dead away from heat exhaustion by 9:00 a.m. I am so not meant for hot weather. So, that’s where I’ve been the last few mornings reveling in the cool sweet weather, weeding, pruning, cleaning out the chicken coop, etc, etc, etc. Sigh. It’s been lovely. Along the way I harvested a whole mess of herbs to dry; Parsley, Basil and Oregano all made their way into the food dehydrator.  I Picked some flowers for the inside of the house too. I usually have a bucket handy while I prune, as there is almost always something interesting I come across for an arrangement. And then, there was another humming bird photo shoot. Cannot.Help.Myself. I have now named one and and have concerns about a suspicious growth on his neck. He and I will be chatting more about this later. Today didn’t feel right-we’d had such a nice morning together.

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Today the quilting dynamos  (Jennifer and I, I feel like  a”duh” here is warranted, but I shall refrain)  spent a fantastic afternoon on the back patio conceptualizing and planning out a quilt for her mother in law. Lots of new ground here, seriously, waaaaay new territory. Not exactly sure what the next steps are, but today included large drawings on the back of wrapping paper, some very suspect pattern making, and color coding-paint by number style.  We may not know hwat we’re doing, but we sure do look official. We’ll see how this all goes…more to come on that later. We meet again next week to wrestle with the next steps. I have a feeling there is going to be a lot of youtubing and googling in between now and then.
