Days of Summer # 11


Bryan and I took a few days off to toodle around Sonoma County towing a wee, adorable Tear Drop trailer we rented from Vacations in a Can. It was lovely. We are seasoned tent campers, so this was quite luxurious. I’ve been haranguing Bryan (and my dad- he keeps telling me no, but it doesn’t really sound like a hard and fast no…come on Frank) for some time about building or rehab-ing an old Teardrop, and I think this trip might have sold him. Its light enough to be towed by a car or pull around a campsite by hand, camp set up takes only minutes, no tent or air mattress to deal with, and a sweet little outdoor galley kitchen. Oh, and everyone stops you to tell you how cool your camper is. My favorite comment was a little girl walking by with her dad who said, ‘Dad, why did they bring their washing machine with them?”

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And lots of foggy mornings…..

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…And sunny afternoons.

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