Laura Aspinall

Days of Summer #7


I about cried when I saw the fog roll back in this week- with relief. Back to mornings in the garden without fainting dead away from heat exhaustion by 9:00 a.m. I am so not meant for hot weather. So, that’s where I’ve been the last few mornings reveling in the cool sweet weather, weeding, pruning, cleaning out the chicken coop, etc, etc, etc. Sigh. It’s been lovely. Along the way I harvested a whole mess of herbs to dry; Parsley, Basil and Oregano all made their way into the food dehydrator.  I Picked some flowers for the inside of the house too. I usually have a bucket handy while I prune, as there is almost always something interesting I come across for an arrangement. And then, there was another humming bird photo shoot. Cannot.Help.Myself. I have now named one and and have concerns about a suspicious growth on his neck. He and I will be chatting more about this later. Today didn’t feel right-we’d had such a nice morning together.

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Today the quilting dynamos  (Jennifer and I, I feel like  a”duh” here is warranted, but I shall refrain)  spent a fantastic afternoon on the back patio conceptualizing and planning out a quilt for her mother in law. Lots of new ground here, seriously, waaaaay new territory. Not exactly sure what the next steps are, but today included large drawings on the back of wrapping paper, some very suspect pattern making, and color coding-paint by number style.  We may not know hwat we’re doing, but we sure do look official. We’ll see how this all goes…more to come on that later. We meet again next week to wrestle with the next steps. I have a feeling there is going to be a lot of youtubing and googling in between now and then.




Days of Summer #6


Its been a busy few days and there hasn’t been much time for blogging, so here’s a synopsis of what I’ve been up to…

Friday  I started off my day by visiting two of my (many) favorite places, Harmony Farm Supply and Nursery in Sebastopol and the strawberry stand on the way out to Sebastopol on Highway 12. Irrigation supplies for neighbor-friend-co-worker-Lindsay (tis a complex relationship), sent us out to Harmony. Here we bought all manner of small tiny plastic thing-a-ma-bobs to irrigate her vegetables boxes, newly constructed by my dad out of recycled lumber from Lindsay’s old deck. Then it was back to the neighborhood for irrigation 101, and Lindsay’s baby veggies were set to go in no time. We Aspinall’s don’t mess around. But this isn’t really news to anyone, now is it….



Saturday  was the day to deal with the six pints of strawberries I had  procured the day before. It was jam making time- strawberry rhubarb to be precise. The first canning project of the season!  I used my friend Karen’s recipe from her blog, My Pantry Shelf  (seriously, check her blog out, don’t know what to make for dinner? Karen does and it’ll be tasty). I tried out this same recipe last year, and I particularly like it is low in sugar and that the slow roasting of the fruit intensifies the flavors. So, using my lovely berries, and rhubarb grown in my parents’ garden, I made eight pints of this gorgeous stuff.

P1070365Sunday  was devoted to garden foraging and putting the finishing touches on my TOP SECRET project. For my mom and sister in law’s birthdays I’ve been nurturing teeny tiny  gardens, or terrariums. I have now made four of these miniature biospheres, and am dreaming of a few more…

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And they went over quite well, I must say! And finally, here are a few picture of the latest things happening in the garden. A list of firsts: first of my Maine Dahlias, a birthday gift from dear Lisa Jean last year, first cherry tomatoes of the season, and first peaches on our tree ever!




Days of Summer #5


P1070226I spent a healthy amount of time yesterday and today trying to take a photo of the hummingbird that has been draining our feeder literally dry every other day. And this morning, at approximately 10:15 a.m. I accomplished my mission. Done and  done. This feeder sat untouched for a month. I was starting to panic a little- the feeder was a gift and there was a lot of asking if I’d had any action . I kept having to say no, and  I felt very responsible for my alleged hummingbirds’ lackadaisical attitude (it didn’t help that my sad confession was met with shaking of the head and eyebrow raising…).   I moved that thing around, downloaded a bird call app, and scoured the yard in search of a hummingbird. Nary a feather. Nothing. And then, one day, they found it. Now this little dude and buddies have figured it out, its game on, And man, I just can’t keep that thing full. More stress. I picture them tip-tapping on the window impatiently with their long pointy beaks demanding sugary water.

Once I captured my hummingbird portrait, next on the docket today was Fourth of July preparations. Tomorrow on Independence Day I shall be canoeing done the Russian River in an armada of boats, resplendent with coolers, snacks and festive beverages and a gaggle of friends.

In honor of our voyage I made a watermelon-basil-ginger cooler, a tried and true party pleaser. Starting with a whole watermelon (small to medium in size), I cut away the rind and juiced the fruit in the food processor and then pressed the processed fruit through a strainer.


Next, I made a basil simple syrup. Part of the reason I chose  this recipe is due to our bumper crop of basil in our garden. And I want to be clear, this really is simple, nothing difficult. 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of water and a large handful of basil. Put the sugar, water and basil in a pot, bring to a simmer, take the pot of the heat, cover, and leave to steep for 30 minutes, then strain the basil leaves from the syrup.


I added about 1/3 a cup the syrup to the watermelon juice, you can add a little more or less depending on how sweet you like it. Then, finish the cooler off by adding 1 to 2 12 ounce bottles of ginger ale. I like a spicy one, like Maine Root or Reed’s. You can stop here, or if you are in the mood for a more “adult beverage”, vodka can be added. I usually do a 1 to 2 ratio; one vodka to two watermelon cooler. Pour into a festive glass and garnish with a squeeze of lime.

And all the while, while I worked in the kitchen, putting together tomorrow’s refreshments, this little man kept a steady and keen watch (except when he dozed off a few times, it was afternoon nap time after all).


Days of Summer #4


P1070170Had a great time at Pride yesterday, truly an exciting and moving experience. It was also a bonus to be in San Francisco away from the heat- but back to it today!

Unfortunately one of the projects I spent a great deal of time on today is TOP SECRET.  It’ll have to wait until a certain date has passed before I can share more about it. Even now, I’ve said too much…..  I did do a few things I can talk about though.

Spent some time cleaning up and replanting potted succulents this evening. I love you can divide these little guys over and over again, talk about a bargain. And then it was time for the daily garden treasure hunt. All this heat is really pushing things along, sunflowers are starting to bloom, lemons are turning, and I think the tomatoes have doubled in size in the last three days. Pretty cool.

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And I almost forgot- It appears that Helen is now donning some festive neckware….



Days of Summer #3

P1070136Real hot here today. Real hot. Even so, I did a few projects today. First and foremost, my flamingo friends, Helen and Ellen, moved into the backyard, right after getting married in San Francisco today. We are all really excited about their nuptials and couldn’t be more pleased that they have chosen to make their home here with us. The chickens have been a little standoffish, but I am sure they will warm up and be having them over for for happy hour real soon.

Next, back to the vegetable garden. I unearthed a cache of giant onions and the first of the green beans. Always exciting to find something you didn’t see the day before. Lots of baby tomatillos coming along, and I am guessing one more week and we’ll be inundated with cherry tomatoes.

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By 11:00 a.m.  I was running for cooler climes. So I retreated inside and started putting together my air plant project. I bought these little glass hanging vases yesterday at the floral supply house as homes for my epiphytes, or air plants. These little things grow without soil and with very little water. And hopefully, by tonight, they shall be suspended from my bathroom ceiling in their glass houses. Between those, the terrarium, and a staghorn fern my friend Stephanie gave me, my bathroom is starting to resemble a greenhouse. I love it.


And last but not least, Bryan and I tried out a new recipe tonight. Pizza with a crust made out of cauliflower! Thanks Teresa for passing this one a long! It was delicious and I was able to load it up with several of those leeks. Probably not the best day of the year to turn the oven on, but it was worth it. Here’s the link to the recipe if you are intrigued and want to try it out for yourself:


So, just a little warning that tomorrow I’ll be taking a break from  Days of Summer. I got a Pride Parade to go to, people! And its a historic one indeed! But don’t worry, I’ll be back on Monday!